Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

The Atlantic Immigration Program was created by employers for the purpose of assisting employers in Atlantic Canada to fill positions with competent applicants that they are unable to fill locally. The Canadian government encourages foreign workers to confirm in advance that the company has been recognized as part of the Atlantic Immigration Pilot. Prior to submitting an application for Canadian Permanent Resident status through the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program, foreign employees must have job offers from specified employers that have the support of their respective provinces (AIPP). The Atlantic Immigration Program is currently moving at a rapid pace across the four provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland & Labrador, and Prince Edward Island.

The goal of this program, which was launched in 2017 in partnership with the provincial government, is to welcome more than 7000 newcomers and their families to the Atlantic Canada region by the year 2021.

Following Are The Five Priority Areas Of An Overall Atlantic Growth Strategy:
  • Skilled Workers and Immigration;
  • Trade and Investment;
  • Clean Growth and Investment;
  • Infrastructure; and
  • Innovation

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program: How It Works

Each major candidate arriving in Canada as part of the pilot program is required to have a settlement plan specific to themselves and their families as well as a legitimate employment offer from a designated company.

A designated employer must first make a job offer to an applicant when that individual fulfills both the program’s eligibility standards and employment conditions. Employers participating in this program are exempt from undergoing the Labour Market Impact Assessment process (LMIA).

After the applicant accepts the position, the employer will put them in touch with a designated company that offers settlement services so they can be evaluated and have a settlement plan created. A temporary work permit is available to employers who have an immediate need to fill a position, enabling the applicant and his or her family to enter Canada right away. The candidate will need the following in order to receive this work permit:

  • A valid job offer;
  • A letter from the province; and
  • A commitment to apply for permanent residence within 90 days of the temporary work permit application.

Employer Designation

Employers seeking to hire skilled immigrants under the pilot program must submit an application to the province(s) in order to get the designation, as opposed to employers with locations in multiple provinces who will need a designation for each province. Employers must adhere to the obligation of their commitment to helping immigrants and their families adjust to life in Atlantic Canada.

Candidate Requirements

The following two programs are available to skilled workers through the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program:

  • Atlantic High-Skilled Program (AHSP)
  • Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program (AISP)
  • And one program for international student graduates:
  • Atlantic International Graduate Program(AIGP)